Taking Learning Beyond the Classroom with PY4 and PY5 Trips

Taking Learning Beyond the Classroom with PY4 and PY5 Trips
Jennifer Wallace

PY4 and PY5 have recently had the opportunity to take learning beyond the classroom, with trips to the Museum of Sport in Nice, and the ‘Centre International de Valbonne’ (CIV school) for a local Science Festival.

At the Museum of Sport, PY4 were given a guided tour where they learnt about why the Olympic Games, and sport in general, operates on values. They learned how to define what a sport is: “A sport must have rules, you must train for it, and then you perform in a competition.” They also saw some real olympic medals and participated in a workshop about concentration and flexibility.

PY4 and PY5 visited the (CIV school) for STEAM related workshops including a chemistry show and a visit to a ‘pop-up’ planetarium. A PY5 student shared “I enjoyed watching the scientists change the colour of fire and water, and we learnt how to make giant bubbles. It made science really interesting.”